5 Outstanding Benefits Of Logging In The Timber Industry

Timber is an essential component in today's world. From being a fuel source and providing materials for construction to making furniture and paper pulp, its applications are many and varied. However, before it can be of any service to your home or company, trees need to be felled or cut down in a process known as logging. Logging has a myriad of benefits, including:

1.       Improves the health of trees

The overall health of trees and wooded areas can be undermined by various factors, including tree diseases like leaf rusts, leaf spots, and pine needle blight. Some of these diseases, especially those that affect leaves, spread quickly on the wind. The best way to avoid this problem is by logging diseased and dead trees. That way, the other healthy trees will be safe from pathogens and enjoy more nourishing sunshine and adequate air circulation.

2.       Avails crucial materials

Logging provides timber and wood materials which are indispensable for everyday life. For example, man has been using timber to make beams and posts for construction, furniture like stools, and fuel since time immemorial. And, today, industries like pulp and paper and construction still use it to produce paper and build bridges and houses, respectively. All these are made possible through logging.

3.       Reduces tree density and competition

When there is a high density of trees in any given area, competition for the available resources like water and nutrition is stiff. And, since trees rely on them to grow, sometimes, mature trees undermine the health of saplings and live stems by hoarding all the resources and nutrition. Logging thins a forest by getting rid of old trees that pose unnecessary competition for growing ones. By cutting them down, there is a fair distribution of resources, and the young trees get the chance to grow healthy and strong.

4.       Increases safety

Trees tend to fall over unexpectedly for various reasons, including malnutrition, old age, inappropriate planting condition, advanced disease, and insect infestation. That is more so in harsh weather like floods and strong winds. However, since you can't predict the exact time a tree will fall over and damage property or risk lives, logging dead, weak, or old trees is the safest option. The situation becomes more urgent if the trees in context are near roads, driveways, sidewalks, or buildings.

5.       Less severe forest fires

Did you know that the United States witnessed 58,950 wildland fires in 2020 alone? Wildland and forest fires are real menaces that destroy properties, pollute the air, and affect wildlife habitats. Fortunately, since logging involves felling trees, the spaces left between upstanding ones are likely to diminish the chances of a forest fire spreading and wreaking havoc. Therefore, logging helps you save property and wild habitats from destruction.

