Raising Chickens in the City: What You Need To Know

Are you considering raising chickens in the city? It may seem like an unusual idea, but urban chicken keeping is becoming increasingly popular. Not only can it provide you with fresh eggs, but it also allows you to connect with nature and lead a more sustainable lifestyle. However, before you dive into this venture, there are a few things you need to know.

Considerations for Urban Chicken-Keeping

Zoning and Regulations

Before introducing chickens into urban areas, it is crucial to thoroughly review and abide by local zoning laws and regulations. Some cities have specific restrictions on the number of chickens you can keep, coop size, and noise limitations. Make sure you understand and comply with these regulations to avoid any legal issues.

Space Requirements

While chickens don't require a large amount of space, they do need enough room to roam, scratch, and dust bathe. Ideally, you should provide at least four square feet of space per chicken in the coop and an additional eight square feet in the outdoor run. Ensuring your chickens have enough space will contribute to their overall well-being and happiness.

Noise and Odor

Keep in mind that chickens can be noisy animals, especially when they lay eggs or feel threatened. If you have close neighbors, it's essential to consider the potential disturbances caused by crowing and clucking. Additionally, proper coop maintenance and regular cleaning can help mitigate any odors associated with keeping chickens.

Getting Started with Urban Chicken Keeping

Choose the Right Breed

When selecting chickens for urban living, it's crucial to choose breeds that are well-suited to your environment. Some breeds are quieter, more docile, and adapt better to confined spaces. Do thorough research to find a breed that suits your needs and preferences.

Coop Setup

Building or buying a sturdy and secure coop is vital to ensure the safety of your chickens. The coop should provide protection from predators and extreme weather conditions. It should also include features such as nesting boxes, roosting bars, and adequate ventilation.

Feed and Water

Ensuring optimal nutrition is crucial for promoting the well-being and productivity of your chickens. Provide them with a balanced diet that includes a combination of commercial feed, kitchen scraps, and fresh greens. Ensure they always have access to clean water, as chickens require a significant amount to stay hydrated.


Raising chickens in the city can be a rewarding and sustainable experience. From enjoying fresh eggs to contributing to a healthier environment, urban chicken keeping offers numerous benefits. However, it's important to familiarize yourself with local regulations, provide adequate space, and make necessary preparations before embarking on this adventure. Remember, raising chickens requires time, effort, and commitment, but the rewards are undoubtedly worth it.

For more info about how to raise chickens, contact a local company. 
